About London Perl Mongers

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      <page keywords="about us" title="About London Perl Mongers">
        <item title="What is London.pm?">
            London Perl Mongers is a group of people who use <a
            href="glossary.html#perl">Perl</a> in their work or personal
            programming projects and like to meet and talk about it.
            London.pm have technical and social meetings, have a mailing
            list, an IRC channel, and fit in to the larger <a
            href="glossary.html#perlmongers">Perl Mongers</a> organisation.
            Curiously, London.pm members aren't confined to London or
            even the UK, but live all around the world.
        <item title="When do you meet?">
            London.pm social meetings are held on the day after the first
            Wednesday of the month. This usually means the first Thursday of
            the month.
            Technical meetings are usually held on the third Thursday of
            every other month, although this sometimes moves to take into
            account the Perl conferences around the world.
            Additional "heretics" social meetings are held when the
            first day of a month is a Thursday.
        <item title="How come meeting dates are so complex?">
            Thereby hangs a <a href="faq.html#heretics">tale</a>.
            However, don't worry too much about the rules for when meetings
            are. Reminders are posted regularly to the mailing list, and
            there's a <a href="/meetings/">page on this site</a> which is
            kept up to date with forthcoming meetings.
        <item title="Where is the mailing list, and what's it for?">
            You can <a href="/mailman/listinfo/london.pm">subscribe to the
            london.pm mailing list</a> (also referred to occasionally as
            'london-list' or 'london.pm@london.pm.org') or read the <a
            href="/pipermail/london.pm">archives online</a>.
            The mailing list is for general discussion of Perl in London,
            but there is no rigourously enforced topic. There are quite a
            lot of things that come up as <a
            href="faq.html#runningjokes">references and in jokes</a> and
            there are some things you should <a href="faq.html#spoilers">be
            careful about doing</a> on list as you can annoy people.
        <item title="I don't want that much mail. Is there an alternative?">
            In addition to the general list, there's also an <a
            list</a>. This only receives about four or five mails a month,
            so might be more to your taste.
        <item title="You mentioned an IRC channel.">
            Several members of the group use the IRC channel #london.pm on
            the perl.org network. Connect to irc.perl.org, and /join
            We have a fairly wide variety of <a
            href="/mailman/listinfo/bots">bots</a> on channel; there's a
            short <a href="irc.html">guide to the channel</a> so you know
            who's who.
        <item title="What have London.pm achieved?">
            London.pm have <a href="camel.html">sponsored a camel</a> at
            London Zoo for two years, organised the first <a
            href="http://yapc.org/Europe/2000/">YAPC::Europe</a> conference
            and raised a chunk of the initial funding for sponsoring <a
            href="http://www.yetanother.org/damian/">Damian Conway</a> via
            YAS. London.pm members have spoken at all of the major Perl
            conferences, including TPC, YAPC::NA and YAPC::Europe and the
            German Perl Workshop, and several of our members have authored
            <a href="/reviews/">books.</a>
            We also have a server, penderel, which hosts this web site and
            out mailing lists.
            London.pm members have authored scores of CPAN modules, and
            contributed to the <a
            href="http://nms-cgi.sourceforge.net/">NMS</a> and <a
            href="http://www.tt2.org/">Template Toolkit</a> projects,
            amongst others.
            You can see a leader board of London.pm CPAN contributers <a
            href="/who/leaderboard.html">here</a> - it is automatically
            generated from the 02packages list every hour or so.
        <item title="How can I get in touch with the leader?">
          <p>At the time of writing, Leon Brocard is the leader of London.pm</p>
             He follows a distinguished alumni of founding leader Dave Cross,
             Paul Mison, Mark Fowler, Simon Wistow and Greg McCarroll.
             See the <a href="history.html">history page</a> for more details.
            You can send mails direct to whoever the current leader is by
            emailing <a
        <item title="Can I find out more?">
            Yes; in addition to the pages mentioned above about the <a
            href="list.html">mailing list</a> and <a href="irc.html">IRC
            channel</a>, we also have a section on <a
            href="faq.html">frequently asked questions</a>, a small <a
            href="glossary.html">glossary</a>, a page about our <a
            href="history.html">history</a> and another about the <a
            href="camel.html">camel</a>, as well as a page of <a
            href="general.html">general advice</a>.
            If you still have questions, why not join the mailing list and
            ask there?
        <item title="About the site">
            The current design is by <a href="http://wardley.org/">Andy Wardley</a>, 
            drawing inspiration from the previous design by 
            <a href="http://www.chimpfactory.com">www.chimpfactory.com</a>.
            Developed by copying Mark's <a href="http://london.pm.org/~mark/ttxpath">code</a> 
            and 'tweaking', pulled together by <a href="leo.cuckoo.org">leo.cuckoo.org</a>
            and a host of authors. london.pm.org is graciously hosted by 
            <a href="http://www.exonetric.com/">Exonetric</a>.
            It was created using
            <link href="http://perl.org/">Perl</link>, 
            <link href="http://template-toolkit.org/">Template Toolkit</link>,
            <cpan>XML::XPath</cpan> and a number of other 
            <link href="http://search.cpan.org/">Perl modules</link>.
            Please send any corrections, additions or updates to
            <span class="email">webmaster at london.pm.org</span>
            You can check out the source code for the web site from the
            subversion repository like this:
            svn co https://london.pm.org/svn/website-shiny/
            &copy; 2003-2008 in a GNUish way; please ask before reusing or repurposing content.