Google Map With Overlay
<script type="text/javascript">
function show_map() {
if (! GBrowserIsCompatible()) {
alert("Oh Noes! You can't play! :-(");
var lat = 51.244966;
var lon = -0.565678;
var zoom = 14;
var map = new GMap2( document.getElementById("map") );
var copy = new GCopyrightCollection("© ");
// define copyright info for the overlay
new GCopyright(
'Map Demo',
new GLatLngBounds(
new GLatLng(-90,-180),
new GLatLng(90,180)
'© 2009 Andy Wardley'
// create a tiling layer
var tiles = new GTileLayer(copy);
tiles.getTileUrl = function() { return ""; };
tiles.isPng = function() { return false;};
tiles.getOpacity = function() { return 0.5; }
// create a map overlay to apply the tiling layer
var overlay = new GTileLayerOverlay(tiles);
// show the map with the overlay
map.setCenter(new GLatLng(lat, lon), zoom, G_SATELLITE_MAP);
<div id="map" style="width:600px; height:420px;">